If you don't know already, today is my bestest best friend's birthday. Twenty-three. She's old. And today I wanted to do some appreciating. Evelyn, this one's for you.
01. She's been by my side since 2007.
We met for the first time in 7th grade working as library aides. We were 14. 10 years later and we're still attached at the hip. Almost half of my whole life has been spent with Evelyn. Isn't that crazy?
02. She's one of the nicest people I know.
One of the first things that I can ever remember Evelyn saying to me was, "Hey, I like your skirt. It's cute." Ugh, always been so sweet Shmevelyn. c: It doesn't matter if you're her friend, her coworker, a complete stranger, Evelyn is nice to everybody. And she'll compliment anybody. She likes putting a smile on people's faces.
03. She puts others before herself.
Evelyn makes most decisions with the thought of other's feelings in mind. If she can do something a certain way to help someone else in the process, she will. She tries not to do anything that will make someone else upset or uncomfortable.
04. She helps me with my anxiety.
One of the biggest battles I face in my every day life is my severe anxiety. I've had it for as long as I can remember. On our recent trip to Los Angeles I had probably my biggest anxiety attack to date and Evelyn helped me out soooo much. She kept trying to calm me down, get my breathing straight, get me water if I needed it etc. My attacks aren't always on that grand of a scale but I do experience minor ones from time to time. And all I have to do is be like, "Ok so I'm kind of freaking out right now" and she switches into mama bear mode and starts reassuring me that it's okay. Even little things like me not being able to ask for help in a store or at a restaurant, she'll do the talking for me. It's little things like that that I really appreciate. Living with anxiety is so hard but she helps me out.
04. She helps me with my anxiety.
One of the biggest battles I face in my every day life is my severe anxiety. I've had it for as long as I can remember. On our recent trip to Los Angeles I had probably my biggest anxiety attack to date and Evelyn helped me out soooo much. She kept trying to calm me down, get my breathing straight, get me water if I needed it etc. My attacks aren't always on that grand of a scale but I do experience minor ones from time to time. And all I have to do is be like, "Ok so I'm kind of freaking out right now" and she switches into mama bear mode and starts reassuring me that it's okay. Even little things like me not being able to ask for help in a store or at a restaurant, she'll do the talking for me. It's little things like that that I really appreciate. Living with anxiety is so hard but she helps me out.
05. She's a fighter.
If you look closely at Evelyn's wrist you'll see a tattoo of a semi-colon (;). A semi-colon represents a sentence the author could have ended, but chose not to. That author is her and the sentence is her life. Tattoos like this are dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are/were struggling with depression, suicide, addiction or self-injury. Although she still has moments where her depression tries to resurface, it's nothing like it used to be. She's overcome so much and she's able to fight it off so well. Around two years ago I was at my worst struggling with my depression and I finally opened up to Evelyn about it so that maybe she could give me some advice. And since we both know how it feels and how bad it sucks, we're able to help get each other out of these ruts we get into.
If you look closely at Evelyn's wrist you'll see a tattoo of a semi-colon (;). A semi-colon represents a sentence the author could have ended, but chose not to. That author is her and the sentence is her life. Tattoos like this are dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are/were struggling with depression, suicide, addiction or self-injury. Although she still has moments where her depression tries to resurface, it's nothing like it used to be. She's overcome so much and she's able to fight it off so well. Around two years ago I was at my worst struggling with my depression and I finally opened up to Evelyn about it so that maybe she could give me some advice. And since we both know how it feels and how bad it sucks, we're able to help get each other out of these ruts we get into.
06. She's one of my biggest supporters, in all aspects of my life.
- "Hey I like this guy."
- "Yas queen he's cute, go for it. I hope he treats you amazing."
- "Hey I kinda wanna learn a new language."
- "Oh shit yeah look at you girl. Annyeonghaseyo am I right?"
- "Hey I wanna make a YouTube channel."
- "Omg yas you're so creative everyone's gonna love you yas."
Ok those may not be word for word but that's literally how it goes. Any ideas I have or things that I want to do/achieve she's always rooting for me since day one. And any little milestones I reach with said projects, she congratulates me and praises me for the hard work I put in. I love it so much and it makes me want to work even harder. c:
07. She's my fangirl buddy.
Anyone who knows me and Evelyn know us as fangirls. Most notably with One Direction. Most recently with kpop. But that shit goes waaaaay back to 2007 y'all! Evelyn introduced me to Fall Out Boy in the 7th grade and we would spend all of our time googling pictures of Pete Wentz & Ryan Ross from P!ATD. **Lmao Evelyn, remember when we were watching the If This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race music video in the computer lab and Mrs. Weast got onto us?**
08. She's my travel partner.
I love traveling. And I love it even more when I get to do it with my best friend. We've had some crazy adventures in all different parts of the country. Seriously, the shit we get ourselves into...yikes. But I wouldn't trade it for the world! My favorite thing to do is just to get lost in an unknown city wiff my bess fran by my side. I can't wait till our next adventure!
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09. She's been my shoulder to cry on multiple times.
I cry. A lot. Whether it be over my family, my "friends," a boy (EMPHASIS), Evelyn has seen me cry about it. She watched me sit in front of my computer and cry over a fictional character being killed off a tv show and she didn't judge me lmao. **Oh my god, Evelyn remember when Zayn left One Direction and I literally ugly sobbed into your shirt? Jesus.** Thank you for letting me be a sad mess all over you on multiple occasions and comforting me in the process with your kind, helpful words and warm hugs.
10. She shares the same sense of humor as me.
I spend a lot of my time on vine tagging Evelyn in the duuuumbest videos. Because I know if I laughed, she'll laugh. Because we have the same sense of humor. I can't tell you how many times me and Evelyn have been stuck sitting somewhere, unable to talk or move, can't breathe, practically crying, just laughing our asses off. Over the STUPIDEST things. The SMALLEST things. I love those moments.
11. She helps get me out of sticky situations.
I can't tell you how many times Evelyn has SAVED. MY. ASS. since 2007. I dig myself into a hole so often that I'm surprised I haven't been buried alive yet. And the one person I know that I can always call up anytime and be like, "hey so I f*cked myself so bad right now help" and she'll fix it, is Evelyn.
12. She's my concert buddy.
Would I enjoy a concert as much if I went to it without my best friend? Probably not. We like all the same artists bc like, we're the same person in two different bodies, so anytime I wanna go to a show I know just who to ask and she's down. :)
13. She is super smart.
And she always has been. More times than not whenever I text Evelyn, "Hey what's this?" or "Hey how do I do this?" she has an answer for me. If she doesn't, she always tries to find one. It's been that way since high school. Thanks for letting me cheat off of all your papers. You're probably the only reason I graduated. :')
And she always has been. More times than not whenever I text Evelyn, "Hey what's this?" or "Hey how do I do this?" she has an answer for me. If she doesn't, she always tries to find one. It's been that way since high school. Thanks for letting me cheat off of all your papers. You're probably the only reason I graduated. :')
14. She's so unique.
When I met Evelyn in the 7th grade she was always a rather quiet, simple person. But over these last 10 years she's blossomed into a badass little butterfly. The first thing you'd notice about Evelyn when you meet her is her tattoos. *Ink My Whole Body by Wiz Khalifa plays softly in the background.* Whether you like tattoos or not, she doesn't really care. Eff your beauty standards right? Each of her tattoos means something to her and that's all that matters. She is a walking work of art. :)
15. She's a strong independent woman who don't need no man!
Over the years I've seen men & women come in and out of Evelyn's life. Some hurting her more than a best friend would ever want to see. But after all of these relationships I've seen her grow stronger and stronger. Now she doesn't need anyone. She doesn't rely on anyone. She knows what she deserves and knows how she should be treated and she won't take anything less. And I'm so proud of her for that.
16. She's a hard worker.
It's because she's Mexican. Lmao jk. But yes, Evelyn does work really hard. She doesn't rely on her parents to pay her bills. She gets up and goes to work every morning at 5am to make that money. And whenever we want to go to another concert or travel somewhere new she'll put in that overtime to make sure she has the money for it.
17. She's my hype man.
I'm always the first person to say something bad about myself. And every time I do Evelyn tells me to shut up. When my hair looks nice, she'll tell me. When my outfit is cute, she'll tell me. When my makeup is on point, she'll tell me. Even if I disagree, Evelyn is always hyping me up. On the days where my self-confidence is super low, she picks it right back up. She makes me feel like a bad bitch. :3
18. She's my photographer.
Fun fact: Evelyn used to want to be a photographer. And because of that, I always choose her to be my camerman. I'm a bit of a content creator if you will, so I take a lot of pictures/videos for the internet. And Evelyn's always down to lend me a hand.
When I met Evelyn in the 7th grade she was always a rather quiet, simple person. But over these last 10 years she's blossomed into a badass little butterfly. The first thing you'd notice about Evelyn when you meet her is her tattoos. *Ink My Whole Body by Wiz Khalifa plays softly in the background.* Whether you like tattoos or not, she doesn't really care. Eff your beauty standards right? Each of her tattoos means something to her and that's all that matters. She is a walking work of art. :)
15. She's a strong independent woman who don't need no man!
Over the years I've seen men & women come in and out of Evelyn's life. Some hurting her more than a best friend would ever want to see. But after all of these relationships I've seen her grow stronger and stronger. Now she doesn't need anyone. She doesn't rely on anyone. She knows what she deserves and knows how she should be treated and she won't take anything less. And I'm so proud of her for that.
16. She's a hard worker.
It's because she's Mexican. Lmao jk. But yes, Evelyn does work really hard. She doesn't rely on her parents to pay her bills. She gets up and goes to work every morning at 5am to make that money. And whenever we want to go to another concert or travel somewhere new she'll put in that overtime to make sure she has the money for it.
17. She's my hype man.
I'm always the first person to say something bad about myself. And every time I do Evelyn tells me to shut up. When my hair looks nice, she'll tell me. When my outfit is cute, she'll tell me. When my makeup is on point, she'll tell me. Even if I disagree, Evelyn is always hyping me up. On the days where my self-confidence is super low, she picks it right back up. She makes me feel like a bad bitch. :3
18. She's my photographer.
Fun fact: Evelyn used to want to be a photographer. And because of that, I always choose her to be my camerman. I'm a bit of a content creator if you will, so I take a lot of pictures/videos for the internet. And Evelyn's always down to lend me a hand.
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© Evelyn Rebeca Luevano
19. She doesn't judge me for my weird habits.
I'm constantly making weird sounds, screaming for no reason, dancing sooo ugly, saying the nastiest shit, just being so extra. All the time. And everytime I do/say something so WEIRD and RANDOM and just UNNECESSARY, I say "sorry." But she deadass told me the other day, "You do that so much that it doesn't even phase me anymore."
20. She cares about my family.
We've been friends for so long that she can just walk up into my house and sit down at the dinner table with us. She's also so comfortable around my parents that she's completely unfiltered when she talks to them. She sees them just as often as I do because she comes over all the time, but when she hasn't seen them in awhile she likes to ask how they're doing.
21. She's a very open-minded person.
Evelyn and I have a lot of the same views. But even if we see differently on things (which is hardly ever) she'll hear my side of things out instead of just shutting me down. A lot of the time I'll mention something whether it be a current events story, a controversial topic that's come up, or a social justice movement happening that she's never heard of and she'll actually LISTEN to what I have to say about it. And with that I'm able to educate her a little more on different topics so that she can then go out and do the same. :)
22. She makes me laugh.
She's a living, breathing meme. Meme Evelyn is my favorite Evelyn. She might hate me for posting these but they make me laugh and I love them so much okay. Also, Evelyn stays roasting me out of NOWHERE. ALL the time. So my turn. Also, we're so close with each other that we can drag each other without taking offense. And these pictures aren't even the worst ones.
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23. She's the most beautiful flower in the garden of my life and that's it.
Happy birthday Shmevelyn. I love you & I hope you have an amazing day.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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